
This game is made with the SMBX2 engine, which is needed to be able to play. You can download SMATRS with SMBX2 using the Download All button. Alternatively you can also download the game only, using the Download Episode button. Note: Windows may give you a warning that the game is harmful, however this is false.

For updating the game, click ''Download Episode'', and then extract the folder into data/worlds of your SMATRS install. You can replace every file, your save files stay.

For running the game on Mac/Linux, you will need to install Wine.

If you want to install the game only (for when you already have SMBX2 installed), extract the ZIP file into data/worlds of SMBX2.

After downloading all, open SMATRS Launcher and you should get a view of the episode list, which SMATRS should be on.

Select it, and then simply click on Play. The game should now open!


Resizing the game window is strongly recommended, as it defaults to SMBX2's original resolution.

For the best experience, putting Graphical Quality to High in settings is recommended.

On the episode list, there is a trophy icon at the bottom left. Clicking on it will show achievements you can unlock!

You can easily change controls within SMATRS, by going into settings.

Collecting every Rainbow Shard in every level unlocks something special!

After beating a level, you can play a time trials version of the level to aim for the fastest time!


Version 1.0.2

Download size (All): 616 MB (319 MB zipped)

Download size (Episode): 138 MB (118 MB zipped)

Demo length: around 2-4 hours

All credits can be found in the _credits file.

You can read the changelog here.

Older versions